What I Ate Wednesday: Stone Harbor Edition


We just returned from a few relaxing days away in Stone Harbor, NJ, thanks to this guy:


^Our friend Nick who you may remember from the Vermont Schoolhouse trips. Here he is with his first pair of Ray Bans which we convinced him to purchase (muahaha). Doesn’t he look slick?


He has the most awesome family ever and sometimes they let us crash their schoolhouse; other times, they let us crash their beach house. After being sick for a few weeks and finally finishing out my work festival, D & I were definitely up for some R&R.

IMG_4345IMG_4339Since it is WIAW, I thought I would share some of my eats while I was away!

As always, thank you to Jenn for hosting!


^ACAI BOWL. I may have gotten one of these for every day we were in Stone Harbor: topped with strawberries, banana and granola. YUM. There is this adorable little coffee shop called Coffee Talk — and within the coffee shop is an oatmeal station on the left and a juice bar called Juice Girl on the right. Basically my heaven in one room! Fun fact: Taylor Swift used to play here back before she was a big deal.

IMG_4330^The most delicious hummus & veggie pita I’ve ever tasted from Green Cuisine, with fruit and chips on the side. Note to self: this is what I should be making for work lunches, if I can get my act together!


^On our final night in Stone Harbor, we were invited to Family Crab Night. 11 dozen crabs were ordered for about 40 people, along with clams and bread — I’ve never seen anything like it! Such a fun tradition.IMG_4356

^No one told me a white shirt was a bad idea. #amateur!IMG_4353

^The aftermath

IMG_4325It was a fun weekend with great friends. We were sad to leave — but D had to get back to work on Wednesday, so we kept our trip short and sweet.


Thank you Nicholas and family — we had an amazing time. See you next year, Stone Harbor!