10 Photos from a G-Tox Weekend


This past weekend was one of my favorite kinds: I got some time to G-Tox! AKA, my own personal form of detox. When I mention this term to anyone they sort of look like I’m crazy… I think maybe because people associate detoxing with alcohol or sugar or think of it as extreme?

For me personally, G-Tox is time I get to spend by myself, with myself. What other people refer to as “me” time. There is nothing very official about it. Often includes yoga, treats, reading, walking in nature… you get the picture! As an introvert, this time for me to re-charge is super important. The G-Tox this weekend was actually unintentional. D was stuck in the library all weekend with studying and as much as I missed him, I got the gift of a weekend all to myself, which is rare these days. I am so happy it worked out this way as I used to do G-Tox all the time, and forgot how wonderful it can be! Here are some photos from the weekend:

IMG_0230^Kicked off the weekend with happy hour with a bestie #yeswayrose IMG_0233^Friday night olympic trials CSA snacks, fresh from the farm. I watched some crazy fast track leading up to the main event: gymnastics! Is anyone else obsessed? Perfect Friday night at home for me 🙂IMG_0239^My predictions documented on snapchatIMG_0246^Pre-Saturday morning 6-miler (!) lobby selfieIMG_0252^Post-run donut to celebrateIMG_0255^A much needed summer cut, which was followed by a night out to celebrate a friend’s birthday.IMG_0262^What facetiming with my niece often looks like these days.IMG_0275^Sunday yoga sesh at a new spot on the Upper East Side. How pretty is this studio!?IMG_0282^Felt that post-yoga bliss and strolled home through the park. I wish this photo has sound effects — it was so calming to hear the sounds of families laughing and kids playing. Such a pretty night!IMG_0285

^Finished the weekend right back where I started. Olympic trials part #2! And I hate to brag but my prediction was SPOT ON! So happy for the new fierce five and cannot WAIT to see them compete in Rio in a few weeks. Does anyone else go crazy for olympics gymnastics?

Guess who’s back. Back again.

Hello from The Greener Bean!  It has been quite a while, I know.

Are you surprised to see me? I’m surprised to see me too. Over the past few weeks I have heard that inevitable, nagging voice that always brings me back to blogging start to whisper in the back of my head, urging me to log on and type, share, reflect. It is impossible to get that voice to quiet down until I actually do something about it so, here I am!

A lot has happened in my world since I was last here:

  • I tried to start a running blog and got bored of that pretty quickly.
  • I did not get bored of running and finally made it a regular part of my routine which I have been attempting to do for years.
  • We got married (!!) and had the dance party of our lives at a historic barn in Bucks County
  • D graduated from law school (hooray!) and is currently drowning in bar exam study (boo!)

Actually, now that I think about it, this may partially explain my urge to revisit this little blog of mine. I currently have some extra time on my hands while D spends his summer in the library, and while I do plan on spending a lot of that time catching up on all the Housewives, Dance Moms, and Bachelorettes (no shame!), it feels like a fun time to jump back into blogging, possibly with more of a focus than I have had in the past.

Here is what is on my mind lately:

I Registered for a Half Marathon


So as I mentioned, I have been consistently running for almost a year now and it has been life changing. I feel lean and strong and love the extra time I get outside in nature (aka the concrete jungle), or exploring new places by foot when we travel. Last week I took a big step and signed up for my first half marathon! I will be running the Brooklyn Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon on October 8. This is a bit daunting as the most I have ever really run at one time to date is 6 miles, but I am excited to train and to have a goal to work towards. As of right now I have been running about 3 miles x 3-4 days a week before work or on the weekends, but it has gotten kind of monotonous. It will be awesome to have a goal down the line to help keep me excited about running, and possibly add some other forms of exercise into the mix. I am still trying to figure out exactly what my training plan will be, but it looks like I will officially start training in mid-July, to give myself a solid 12 weeks. I can’t wait to share all of that here with you.

I joined a new CSA

IMG_9760 (1)

I signed up for a CSA at work! Some background: for the past few years, we were members of a CSA in our neighborhood, but we failed to incorporate it properly into our lives for two reasons: 1. It was often very stressful trying to get out of work early enough/re-arrange schedules to make it in time for the pick up and 2. We had trouble keeping up with all of the veggies which led to a messy fridge and a lot of embarrassing waste (AKA throwing out rotten veggies every week). To sum it up, for me, my experience with the whole CSA thing has been CSA = STRESS. I am determined to start fresh and turn this outlook around. This new CSA is amazing because they deliver right to my office every other Thursday, so I don’t have to go out of my way at all, which just makes life that much easier 🙂 I’d love to make it a summer project to do a great job taking advantage of the CSA and teaching myself to properly wash, prep, and store the veggies, making them to easier to use throughout the week. My goal will be to post at least one recipe every other week that I make with my CSA veggies! Any ideas on a cute name for this series?

So — that’s the update! Looking forward to jumping back into blogging and spending a bit more time reflecting in general. Life can feel sort of like a conveyor belt sometimes… it is nice to make it a point to find a moment to pause and appreciate everything.

To close things out, since we are still on that “wedding high,” here is a gratuitous photo of the most magical day ever:


Thanks for reading and see you again soon!




It was a whirlwind 2-day trip home, but I feel very lucky to have spent Christmas in New Hampshire with my family. It was one of the best Christmases ever!

Christmas 20122

Christmas 20121

Christmas 2012

Christmas 20124

Christmas 20123

1. Erin’s got punch

2. Meg, Erin & I had fun teasing my parents about the crazy assortment of ornaments they have held on to throughout the years. Old chipped cat ornament? “I love this one, my favorite!”

3. One of my favorite traditions? Meg’s “Oh Holy Night” at the Candlelight Service. We almost skipped it this year (I’m so glad we didn’t!)

4. Christmas Cameron, rock star style

5. Festive veggies

6. My yankee swap winnings losings. Seriously, I ended up with the worst gift.

7. Salty & sweet

8. I did not ask for any gifts this year and had zero expectations… I was just happy for the days off! I was thoroughly surprised with some thoughtful presents, including this white bike (from my parents) that I am absolutely in love with.

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! xoxo